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Add or Change Music to a Loading

Add or Change Music to a Loading

    First, if you don't have sound/music, you need to download sound that we have prepared (Download sound). and follow the steps :
    • Place the music you want to use in the "\sound" folder at your mugen folder.
    • Go to "\data" folder at your mugen folder. Then,open "system.def" using notepad.
    • Find "[Music]" (Press "ctrl + f" to facilitate the search) .  Then, find this :
      vs.bgm = sound\yourmusic.mp3 ;You can change background music.
      vs.bgm.volume = 100 ;volume scaling factor in percent. 100 is default.
      vs.bgm.loop = 1   ;"1" for "true" and "0" for "false".
    • Change "yourmusic.mp3" with the title song accompanied format that you add into the folder "sound".
    • Save file, then close "system.def".
    Files are protected by copyright
    Thank you for the creator of chars, stage, screenpack, sound, and fonts.